
Wednesday 23 September 2015

European Day of Languages - 26th September

Demos la bienvenida a esta estación del año tan multicolor , esperemos que al que septiembre nos ha colmado de sorpresas, este otoño sea dulce y dorado como la miel :-)

Recolectores de setas en Torres de Albarracín, en la campaña del año pasado.
El otoño será más cálido y lluvioso de lo normal.   
Heraldo de Aragón

Autumnal Equinox – Fall Equinox


Equinox and solstice illustration
Equinoxes and solstices happen twice a year.

There are two equinoxes every year – in September and March – when the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night is nearly equal. 

Where should I look to see signs of the equinox in nature? 

The knowledge that summer is gone – and winter is coming – is everywhere now, on the northern half of Earth’s globe.

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you can easily notice the later dawns and earlier sunsets. 

Also notice the arc of the sun across the sky each day. You’ll find it’s shifting toward the south. 

Birds and butterflies are migrating southward, too, along with the path of the sun.

The shorter days are bringing cooler weather. A chill is in the air. In New York City and other fashionable places, people have stopped wearing white. Creatures of the wild are putting on their winter coats.

All around us, trees and plants are ending this year’s cycle of growth. Perhaps they are responding with glorious autumn leaves, or a last burst of bloom before winter comes.

In the night sky, Fomalhaut – the Autumn Star – is making its way across the heavens each night.


La primera celebración que nos trae es la del European Day of Languages 
que por iniciativa del Consejo de Europa en Estrasburgo se viene celebrando desde el año 2001 el 26 de septiembre de cada año. Podéis entrar en el enlace, curiosear las actividades que proponen y ver los vídeos que contiene. Yo he seleccionado estos dos. 

Espero que sean inspiradores y motivadores y que os animéis a lanzar vuestra propuesta para celebrar este acontecimiento.

This video is made from Greek High-school students. I hope you enjoy it :)


List of Countries in Europe

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