
Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Amazing Things Happen


Very surprising things happen! 


 Spanish Subtitles

"The first National Autism Awareness Month was declared by the Autism Society in April 1970.

The aim of this month is educate the public about autism. 

Autism is a complex mental condition and developmental disability, characterized by difficulties in the way a person communicates and interacts with other people. 

Autism can be present from birth or form during early childhood (typically within the first three years). 

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability with no single known cause.

The 'Puzzle Ribbon' is the symbol for Autism Awareness and is promoted by the Autism Society as means of supporting awareness for autism. 

The Puzzle Ribbon may take the form of a pin attached to clothing, a fridge magnet or a sticker and are available to purchase from the Austism Society website"  www.whathealth.com

Resultado de imagen de einstein everybody is a genius

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