Nosotros ya llevamos una semana y no veas el entusiasmo con el que hemos empezado tanto alumnos como maestros, así da gusto :-) pero en otras escuelas aún están empezando.
Ésta ilustración nos llega desde Segovia y es de la ilustradora Mónica Carretero, que como ya sabéis los que me seguís, me encanta su estilo y nos dedica a toda la comunidad educativa esta entrada en su Cuaderno de Viaje.
Desde Valencia, del IES Isabel de Villena, su directora nos hace llegar estas
Paraules de benvinguda que incluyen una inspiradora cita de Albert Einstein
Y si en la entrada anterior pudimos ver niños de diferentes partes del mundo en su camino al cole, en ésta nos acercamos a los maestros...
Meet teachers from around the world
1. Assam, India
Flickr: Michael Foley
A group of Assamese teachers wearing traditional Assamese dress try to keep out of the rain.
2. Sana’a, Yemen
Photo: Bill Lyons/ World Bank
A Yemeni teacher gives art lessons at center for street children in Sana'a.
3. Gansu Province, China
Photo: Liang Qiang / World Bank
A teacher at the Heping Village Primary School in Dongxiang County helps her students out.
4. Cape Coast, Ghana
Photo: © Jonathan Ernst / World Bank
Winston Mills-Compton teaches a class in mathematics at the Mfantsipim Boys School.
5. Nepal
Photo © Aisha Faquir/World Bank
A teacher in rural Nepal points to letters as she teaches her class how to read the English alphabet.
6. Bangladesh
Video Still: Stephan Bachenheimer / World Bank
A Teacher and her students in a cyclone shelter in rural Bangladesh.
7. Mali
Photo: © Curt Carnemark / World Bank
A teacher collects assignments from students.
8. Nashville, Georgia, USA
Flickr: BESM
A student teacher at Berrien Elementary School works with students on the writing process, covering three steps: prewriting, writing, and editing.
9. Yuanzhu, Ningxia, China
Flickr: Peter Morgan
A Primary School math teacher reviews his students' work in the school's prep room.
10. Nepal
Flickr: Artis Rams
A Buddhist teacher leaving the Monastery.
11. Jamaica
Flickr: jake brewer
A preschool teacher inside her classroom near the Primary School.
12. Guarat, India
Flickr: DFATD-MAECD/Stephanie Colvey
Para terminar os propongo este audio sobre Countries & Nationalities