Springtime is garden time,
Garden time, garden time,
Get your spades and come outdoors,
Springtime is here!
Springtime is planting time,
Planting time, planting time,
Get your seeds and come outdoors,
Springtime is here!
Springtime is jumping time,
Jumping time, jumping time,
Get your ropes and come outdoors,
Springtime is here!
Springtime is singing time,
Singing time, singing time,
Children sing a happy song,
Springtime is here!
What the Robin Told
The wind
told the grasses,
And the grasses
told the trees.
The trees
told the bushes,
And the bushes
told the bees.
The bees
told the robin,
And the robin
sang out clear:
Wake up!
Wake up!
Spring is here!
Spring makes the world a happy place
You see a smile on every face.
Flowers come out and birds arrive,
Oh, isn't it grand to be alive?
A small green frog
On a big brown log;
A black and yellow bee
In a little green tree;
A red and yellow snake
By a blue-green lake,
All sat and listened
To red bird sing,
"Wake up, everybody,
It's spring! It's spring!"
La Crida marks the official opening of the Fallas Festival. Crowds of onlookers and all the Fallas Committees gather beneath the
Serranos Towers, one of historical Valencia’s best-known monuments,
usually on the last Sunday in February.
After a spectacular inaugural display of light, sound, music and
fireworks, the “Fallera Mayor” of Valencia (elected festival queen),
surrounded by her Court of Honour and the city authorities, invites
everyone to enjoy the imminent fiesta, proclaiming its excellence and
The ” ninots ” are the individual figures that make up the
scenes in the Fallas monuments. At the beginning of February, each
Committee donates its best ” ninot ” (just one) to a collective
exhibition that is open to the public up until the day of the “plantà”
(15th March), when each figure is collected by its Committee and taken
back to the Fallas monument it belongs to on a noisy and colourful
parade with whistles and brass bands.
Each visitor to this exhibition has the chance to vote for the
“ninot” that he or she likes best: whether because of its originality or
its design. When the time comes to close the exhibition, the votes are
added up and the “ninot” with the largest number of votes is saved from
the flames: this “ninot indultat” will have the honour of being the only
“ninot” in all of Valencia that will not burn on the night of the 19th.
The same process is repeated with the children’s Fallas, whose “ninots” can also be visited at the same exhibition.