
Saturday 8 March 2014

Día Internacional de la Mujer - IWD

"¡Buenos días, navegantes!
¡Feliz día mujeres del mundo!
Porque cada una de nosotras
 encontremos nuestro lugar en este mundo. 
Porque cada día, encontremos 
un momento de felicidad, 
de risas, de aventura, mimos...
Porque jamás veamos 
que nuestros derechos menguan. 
Porque podamos decidir cada día 
qué opción de vida queremos. 
Porque nos dejen ser y hacer.
Porque seamos capaces de enseñar a nuestros hijos
 lo valiosos que son la bondad y el respeto.
Porque llegue el día 
en el que tener que recordar esto 
sea tan obvio,
 como recordar que tras la noche llega el día.
Gracias a todas las que habéis luchado 
y lucháis por darnos una vida digna.
Queridas mujeres, 
sigamos haciendo de este mundo algo mejor.
Somos fuertes, valientes...
La sal de la vida.
¡Por una vida llena de momentos bonitos!
Os lo merecéis.
Se os quiere tanto..."

De la mano de Pilar Arnal y de su hermana Tica nos llega esta aproximación a mujeres pintadas y pintoras para celebrar este día:

Les dones i la pintura

Ängeles Santos - La Tierra 1929


"Dona: vida, sensibilitat, força, bellesa, lluita, intel·ligència,ímpetu, creativitat, constància, passió, llibertat, somnis, amistat... Som tantes i som tant que juntes podem aturar la violència, l'esclavitut, el desequilibri, la injustícia, els abusos, la por,... Juntes podem aconseguir que l'esperança deixe de ser una utopia i passe a ser realitat."

Kristin Vestgård

Auguri di Marilo Limo - IES Matilde Salvador

International Women's Day - Children's Encyclopedia Britannica

"One Woman" was written for UN Women, the global champion for women and girls worldwide, to celebrate its mission and work to improve women's lives around the world.
From China to Costa Rica, from Mali to Malaysia, acclaimed singers and musicians, women and men, have come together to spread a message of unity and solidarity

Women have historically been underrepresented in almost all fields: science, school curricula, business, politics—and, sadly, doodles. In addition to our continued effort for doodle diversity and inclusion.
Today's truly International Women's Day doodle features a host of inspiring women from around the world, including the President of Lithuania, a brave Pakistani education activist, an ever-curious explorer, and dozens more. Find the full list of participants: http://goo.gl/fzUBZn

Amelia Earhart - British Council

A thought for International Women's Day, and a link to our magazine article about Amelia Earhart, the aviation pioneer.

"When she was nearly 40, Amelia decided that she was ready for a final challenge - to be the first woman to fly around the world"
"Amelia Earhart is remembered as a brave pioneer for both aviation and for women"

'100 Women: Half the World Speaks'BBC- Learning English
Listening  and transcript video

Inspirational: makes you feel motivated to do new and exciting things

Equal opportunities: the right to be treated fairly; having the same opportunities

as other people of different gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.

The vocabulary of Inequality

Maya's Story

Watch Annelie Nordström, Chairwoman of Kommunal, as she becomes a man to protest against unequal salaries between men and women.
Kommunal is Sweden's biggest union with over 80 % female members. Workers in female-dominated professions get a statistically lower salary, and this inequality is changing very slowly. At the current pace it will take us over a hundred years until women's salaries equal men's. We can't wait another 100 years! 

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