Para los que ya tenemos unos cuantos años Halloween es una celebración reciente en nuestras vidas y para algunos que no están en contacto con la cultura inglesa incluso la miran con distancia o hasta rechazo. Por supuesto que sus orígenes no hay que buscarlos entre nosotros. Aquí la tradición es la de Todos Santos, visitar el cementerio, recordar a los seres queridos que ya han sufrido ese cambio de estado, esa transformación que hace que sigan con nosotros pero de otra manera. Tiene un cariz muy diferente al que envuelve Halloween. . Cuando enseñas una lengua necesariamente vienen ligadas las tradiciones, costumbres y manera de vivir de la gente que la habla, por lo que Halloween está presente en mi vida desde que empecé a enseñar inglés en mi colegio. Me gustaría transmitiros el entusiasmo que se vive en las clases los días previos y el de la fiesta final, el día de Halloween.
Alumnos de 6º, todo listo para la celebración de la tarde Todos y cada uno de los alumnos lo vive intensamente, aprendiendo las canciones y bailes, cocinando sabrosos dulces que comparten con los demás, preparando los disfraces y máscaras, aunando esfuerzos para decorar las clases y la escuela, haciendo que los que tienen miedo lo afrontan y superen.
Halloween Night Los más mayores llegado el momento de la fiesta pasan a recoger al resto de los compañeros que ya están preparados y todos juntos cantando la canción que nos anuncia que empieza la celebración nos juntamos en el patio y allí la música, los juegos nos unen y siempre nos parece que el de este año ha sido el mejor Halloween de todos. Como agradecimiento a todos los que haceis posible todo esto con vuestro interés, esfuerzo y participación os invito a deleitaros con esta selección variada de divertimentos varios que os propongo para este puente en el que vamos a poder renovar fuerzas. Cuentos para niños y cómics para adultos
Producciones "De andar por casa", con Mónica Carretero, Nicolás Verdejo y dirigida y musicada por Rafael Verdejo, se complace en presentarles este corto tan apropiado en estas fechas... Agradecemos de corazón, la inestimable y desinteresada aparición de Heidi siempre tan risueña y pizpireta
Halloween is a great deal of fun in spite of the scary masks, fearful costumes and horror in everything associated with that holiday.
Children in America look forward to Halloween almost as much as their birthday. Perhaps the main reason for that is that it is make-believe and since the horrors are not real they can be enjoyed without harming others.
Another reason is that the participants can look forward to lots and lots of candy on Halloween night. Yes, that mountain of candy donated by the neighbours can last for a whole year.
Children begin planning during the summer what type of costume their parents or guardians are going to make or buy for them. My favourite costumes when I was a child were The Shadow and El Zorro. I just loved the capes in those costumes flowing in the wind at Halloween time.
It is not easy for parents to satisfy kid's wishes sometimes. I remember once
there was a child in the neighbourhood who wanted to be dressed as a rocket ship.
Her parents finally found a way to construct a rocket ship costume, the trouble was
that it was very difficult for the child to walk around with that boxy costume,
particularly during the important phase of begging for candy in the neighbourhood,
a tradition called "trick or treat”.
Literally, the “trick” is the scary disguise that the child wears to scare the people
in the house and the “treat” is the candy given to them in return.
Many years ago I tried using a “trick” on the visiting children in my neighbourhood
to see what would happen. Just for fun I prepared a tape recording that sounded like
a scary ghost in a haunted house, with screams, the rolling of chains and the creaking of doors.
Well, the children, during trick or treat were not impressed with my “trick”
and demanded lots of “treat”, namely, lots of candy.
How did Halloween start?
The Celts who celebrated Samhain Eve on New Year’s eve feast more than two thousand years ago.
On that night it was believed that spirits used to appear in many places before they went to the Other World. During that last night people begged for food and drink, and that was the beginning of the tradition of begging on that occasion. Many centuries later, during the Middle Ages, people in Europe celebrated Hallowmas in the period between October 31st and November 2nd. During Hallowmas the poor people would go house-to-house asking for food, especially “Soul Cakes”, in return for prayers. The Christian Church adopted the Samhein feast and set the time of celebration the evening before All Saints Day.It was called the Hallow’s Evening, and that is how the name Hallow e’en began. The pioneers who came to the United States of America in European immigration waves during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries brought their celebrations with them, including the celebration of Halloween. Originally, the spirits believed to appear on that holiday were mostly as ghosts, but as time passed this evolved into all types of imaginary beings including monsters and evil spirits. Factories that fabricated costumes, masks, daggers and other tools terror items helped this expansion of Halloween since that made their sales grow significantly. Even dragons are common at Halloween time. Near my house in Pennsylvania there is a Halloween ghost-house in the form of ahuge dragon shown
in Figure 1. When you enter through the mouth of that monster, you must be ready for all types of horrible scares -but happily-you can escape through the other end, safe and sound.
Included in this article are some photographs illustrating the variety of Halloween costumes and accessories available in my neighborhood; similar things probably are sold in some stores near your home. Figures
2 and 3 show costumes, skeletons and specialty hats.
4 shows masks
of the walking-dead zombies.
Almost every store has candy for treat or treat, as illustrated by the Halloween baskets in
Figure 5.
You can even find a fortune teller robot that will tell you about the horrors of the season,
as shown in Figure 6.
For very young children there are pretty costumes such
as those in Figure 7.
Some costumes as
shown in Figure 8 are for decoration, and are meant to be placed high, for instance near the ceiling or on tree limbs near the house entrance.
Two very popular costumes this year are Superman and Spiderman, as
show in Figure 9.
Figure 10 shows many accessories, such as knives, swords and chains.
Some masks show monsters smiling or laughing (in macabre ways, no doubt), as in Figure 11, but the majority of the masks have horrible expressions, as shown in Figure 12 .
The favourite dessert for Halloween is pumpkin pie.
This delicious dessert is baked from recently harvested pumpkins.
The pumpkins are also made into Jack-o-Lanterns, which feature carved eyes, noses and toothed mouths through which the light of candles placed inside the hollow pumpkin will shine.
Figures 13 and 14 illustrate the abundance of pumpkins in all local markets.
Lots of Jack-o-Lanterns and their pictures are found everywhere, as shown on the poster in Figure 15.
It is difficult to predict what Halloween will be like in the United States in the distant future. As with all customs, the ways of celebrating it will grow, and there will be many new types of Halloween practices. Two current trends that may grow in the future are participation by young adults such as those in the universities, and the growth of adult Halloween parties. In some of those future practices trick-or-treat gifts may consist of food for the poor,which would represent a return to the past. Two things are guaranteed: there will be new ways to scare each other and there will be lots of fun.
From my little corner of the world here in Eastern Pennsylvania I wish all of you friends of "Caraba en Bicicleta" a very happy Halloween. The same to you Ulises.
¿Quereis acompañarnos en esta grata experiencia? Pues venga, necesitais calzaros unas botas, ropa adecuada y una cesta para ir recogiendo las setas que nos vayan saliendo al encuentro. Nosotros así lo hicimos acompañados de nuestros amigos Jose Miguel y Beatriz a los que ya conoceis algunos pues nos participaron activamente en el encuentro en Albarracín, del pasado mayo , con Loles y Jose Mª, amigos y colaboradores entusiastas.
Primero teneis que saber como se deben recoger las setas.
Depende de si las queremos para consumir o para catalogarlas posteriormente, que es lo que hicimos, ya que por la tarde teníamos un taller para identificar las diferentes especies y determinar sus características y si son aptas para el consumo o no.
En el caso del conocido Lactarius deliciosus, debemos cortar con la navaja a ras de tierra y tapar el hueco que queda.
Si por el contrario se trata de una especie desconocida, debemos cogerlo entero, es decir, con la parte que está enterrada también porque nos proporciona información.
Aquí teneis unos ejemplares de lo que a la tarde nos informaron era Tricholoma equestre, la seta de los caballeros, muy apreciada en la antigüedad y que hace unos años en Francia surgió en abundancia por lo que se consumió en cantidades superiores a lo aconsejable produciendo varias muertes.
Así es que nos debe de quedar claro que antes de consumirlas hay que estar muy seguro de que no es perjudicial, limpiarlas bien y cocinarlas siempre.
Toda esta valiosa información nos fue clara y amenamente expuesta por los expertos micólogos que nos acompañaron y por MªLuisa Díez en su charla sobre "Las setas en la cocina". En la web del Grupo Micológico Caesaraugusta
encontrareis sus recetas que van desde los entrantes hasta los postres (torrijas, flanes...)
Muchas gracias a los organizadores, a Begoña de Moscardón y a Begoña de Calomarde. Pasamos un día muy agradable, disfrutamos del bosque, de vuestra compañía y aprendimos más sobre las setas.
Un equipo de reporteros de Tele Aragón nos acompañó y cubrió la noticia, en mi cesta solo encontraron hojas de roble y piñicas, no me atrevo con las especies que no conozco y los que me consta que son comestibles brillaban por su ausencia.
Acabamos el día en la exposición de todas las especies recogidas en la que pudimos ver clasificadas en comestibles y tóxicas y apreciar sus características. Debemos tener mucho cuidado porque hay algunas setas que se prestan a confusión, aquí: Setas comestibles podeis aprender a diferenciarlas de las que se les parecen. El posterior paseo al atardecer por las choperas y huertas de Torres de Albarracín y el contacto con sus gentes amables y generosas puso el colofón a una deliciosa e instructiva jornada.
Hemos trabajado duro desde que ha empezado el curso y los más mayores del colegio estamos listos para zambullirnos de pleno la próxima semana en la organización de la celebración de Halloween.
Así han posado hoy de contentos antes de hacer el control que teníamos previsto. Adrià nos ha dado una agradabilísima sorpresa preparándonos unos dulces que nos han dado fuerza y nos han ayudado a relajarnos. Muchísimas gracias :-) Además he descubierto que tiene afición por la cocina y hasta incluso su propio blog. ¡Ánimo, esperamos sigas compartiendo tus creaciones! Le dedicamos la foto a Ulises que nos ha mandado una colaboración que será publicada en breve, para que nos vaya conociendo. Y como todos en la escuela os estais esforzándo muchísimo y los seguidores también nos mostrais vuestro apoyo. Os dejo con unos divertimentos para que os vayais ambientando y cada uno se detenga en lo que más le capte su atención.
- Historia musicada: "Looking for Dracula Song"
A continuación podeis ver a Giana y a Liliana interpretándola,, se lo pasan en grande con el montaje que el papi de Giana, les ha preparado, ¡genial!
- Cantinelas diversas: Hello
Hello witches, hello ghosts,
Hello pumpkins on the posts.
Hello goblins and black cats,
Hello skeletons, hello bats!
Hello owls and hello moon!
is coming soon!
Bats are sleeping
Tune: Frere Jacques
Bats are sleeping Bats are sleeping Upside
down, upside down Waiting
for the night to come Waiting
for the night to come Then
they fly around Then they fly around
Ghost Chant
(recite very quietly)
so scary.
Ghost so white
Don't scare (child's name)! (Shout the name.)
On Halloween night.
If you look very
carefully there's a goblin behind that tree. But I
must say don't you run away (pause)
cause it might be ME!!!
First two eyes and then a
nose, Then a
mouth with teeth in rows. Oh!
Oh! spooky sight, Jack-o-lanterns
in the night.
A Pumpkin is a Pumpkin
Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin and not a white ghost. Whooooooooo!
Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin and not a scary monster. Roarrrrr!
Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin and not a black cat. Meow!!!!!
Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin and not a cackling witch. Hee, hee, hee, hee, hee.
There was an old lady in a pointed hat
was an old lady in a pointed hat (Use your hands to make pointed hat over
She came to my door with a rap-tap-tap (pretend to knock on door)
I opened up the door to see who was there (pretend to open door)
She jumped on her broom and flew through the air. (use hand to fly into the sky)
Scat the cat
Scat the cat was a black cat. Everyone in
his family was black. But Scat the Cat was tired of being like everyone else.
So he said (snap fingers) "I'm Scat the Cat I'm Sassy and Fat I change my
colors just like that."
So Scat
the cat changed into a (name of color). He was as (green as the grass; blue as
the sky, red as an apple, yellow as a lemon, orange as an orange,). Scat the
Cat enjoyed being a (name of color) for a few days. But then he got tired. So
he said: (Repeat Scat the Cat Verse) *After naming last color: Well Scat the
Cat had changed his colors many times. He found out that it wasn't so bad being
a black cat. So he
said, (Repeat verse)
Halloween is
is coming,
Halloween is coming
Skeletons will be watching you (make circles w/ thumb and index finger as in
Big black bats and witches hats OOOOOOO,
Halloween is coming Halloween is coming
Skeletons will be watching you
If You're A Ghost and You Know It
(to the tune of If You're Happy and you
know it)
If you're a ghost and you know it,
Just say Boo
If you're a ghost and you know it,
Just Say BOO
If you're a ghost and you know it and you really want to show it...
If you're a ghost and you know it just say BOO
If you're a black cat and you know it
Just say Meow
If you're a black cat and you know it
Just say Meow
If you're a black cat and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you're a black cat and you know it Just say Meow
If you're a skeleton and you know it,
Wiggle your bones (shake your body)
If you're a skeleton and you know it,
Wiggle your bones
If you're a skeleton and you know it,
And you really want to show it
If you're a skeleton and you know it,
Wiggle your bones.
If you love Halloween and you know it
Do all three (all 3 actions in order of appearance)
If you love Halloween and you know it
Do all three
If you love Halloween and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you love Halloween and you know it
Do all three
Happy Halloween
Sung to the tune of Clementine
Have a happy, have a happy, have a happy
Trick of treat some, then you'll eat some,
Have a happy Halloween.
Counting cookies, counting candy, counting every jelly bean,
Have a happy, have a happy, have a happy Halloween.
Ring the front door, ring the back door,
Ride a broomstick in between,
Have a happy, have a happy, have a happy Halloween.
Where do you fly?
Over the clouds and under the sky.
Witch, witch,
What do you drink?
Vinegar, oil, and thick black ink.
Witch, witch, What do you eat?
Little black apples from Hurriane Street.
Witch, Witch,
Where do you sleep?
Up in the clouds where pillows are cheap.
Tune: Teddy Bear,
Teddy Bear Turn Around
Scarecrow, scarecrow, turn around.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, jump up and down.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, arms up high.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, wink one eye.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, bend your knees.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, flap in the breeze.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, climb into bed.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, rest your head.
Gracias a Sàlvia que con su gran productividad comparte poemas, canciones, ilustraciones y emociones Poesia Infantil y Juvenil
- Videos variados relacionados con la celebración:
Gracias Teacher Raquel por accionarlos dulces recuerdos de mi infancia que estas series me despiertan. No sabía nada de acerca de Halloween en aquel entonces pero mientras comía me encantaba ver "Embrujada" o "The Munsters", en blanco y negro, claro, aún no nos había llegado el color a la televisión y solo había un canal, no tenías elección. Eso sí eras muy afortunado si tenías una televisión en casa.