
Wednesday, 16 October 2013

¿Estás como una cabra?

Más de una vez habremos oído esa expresión por un motivo u otro.
Cuando se les ve en su elemento, en plena naturaleza, saltando y brincando alegremente, te das cuenta que la expresión tiene un cariz diferente.

Os propongo saltar y brincar alegre y confiadamente mientras escuchamos esta canción y el cuento que le sigue. En ambas las protagonistas son las cabras.

I'm a grumpy old troll living under a bridge
I 've got an empty tummy and an empty fridge
I'm waiting all day for a meal to come along

Who's that trip trapping over my bridge?
The first billy goat was lean and small
Hardly wouldn't make a meal at all
Wait for my brother, he's a four course meal

Who's that trip trapping over my bridge?
The second billy goat was a little bit bigger
Nice plump cheeks and a big fat figure
But if you'd only just wait the best is yet to come

 Who's that trip trapping over my bridge?

 The third billy goat was big and bold
He ran straight ahead and stopped me cold
Knocked me over and knocked me far away

 Who's that trip trapping over my bridge?


Para finalizar disfrutemos contemplando la destreza de las cabras para triscar.

(sourceI went back in the evening to see what happened to the goat, and the surprise was that there were two on that cliff!!! 

(sourceA mountain goat stretches at the Goat Lick in Glacier National Park.

(sourceMountain goat kids playing at the altitude of 14,000 feet, in the Colorado Rocky Mountains

(sourceA female mountain goat with two babies on a rock mountain in Glacier National Park, Montana.

(sourceBlack Hills, South Dakota

(sourceA mountain goat jumps down the cliff

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